August 3, 2024
Check-in starts at 5 PM. Parade starts at 7 PM.
Lake City Seafair Grand Parade
Parade participants:
When: August 3 rd
Check-in 5:00 PM at the Seafair booth located on the corner of NE 135 th  & Lake City
Way. At this time the Seafair Marshals will give you your parade number and where to
line-up. Please enter the line-up area from Lake City Way/Bothell Way from NE 145 th  St.
and then head south to 135 th  to check-in. Support vehicles, like buses, and Float &
horse trailers can proceed down Lake City Way and make a right on 125th, where you’ll
be directed to the disbursal waiting area. Parade route:
South on Lake City Way from 135 th  to 125th, making a right to go west on 125th to 25th