April 14, 2020

Your officers and board members met virtually again last night to conduct the business of the Mustangs Northwest car club. Also in attendance were members of the Judge and Roundup committees.

Once the normal business was concluded, the issue of Roundup was discussed. Some of the points that were brought up were, the virus may not be under control in time to organize a quality event, and the law may not allow a gathering. Many of the sponsors and participants are canceling and Bellevue College cannot guarantee their campus will be open. Based on these and other concerns your officers and board, in a unanimous vote, canceled the 2020 Roundup.

The 40th Roundup will go as planned next year. We are still in the search for a new venue and once we have found our new home the 40th roundup will truly be brand new.

When the danger has passed and our lives are somewhat back to normal, we all will celebrate together with a cruise like none other before. Until then, be safe, stay home and wash your car.

Glenn Mayer

Please enjoy this video titled “Stayin’ Inside” by Youtuber Brent McCollough:

Written by MustangAdmin